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Our Mission and Purpose

We want to build everyone’s digital knowledge with content and conversations to inspire and instigate 'Better Information Management' to enable - better decisions, better infrastructure, better services and better outcomes for our social, economic and environmental infrastructure.

What is the BimTube Podcast?

"I believe in the potential of digital, data, and technology (DDaT) to make a positive impact to society and the planet. Educating others on its possibilities is essential. However, proper information management (IM) is often neglected, despite its importance in geospatial analysis, infrastructure asset management, digital transformation, national-level digital twins, and more.

Without proper IM and governance, DDaT can't achieve lasting impact. This podcast will discuss teamwork, communicating the benefits of DDaT and IM, integration, and the experiences of our distinguished guests. 

Let's explore together!"

Steven, Founder and Host of the BimTube Podcast

PS - please contact me with any feedback or thoughts for future themes and guests
New to Information Management and BIM?
We recommend you get an overview awareness session, in plain English, to set the scene and know where to start.
This is from our partners at BimEnable
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When we talk about "Better Information Management," we're referring to its broadest interpretation, beyond just the realm of information technology (IT). We believe that information management (IM) deserves more widespread acknowledgment for its status as a vital discipline and profession.

Yet, the success of IM is deeply rooted in the support of digital transformation, the presence of effective leadership, and robust governance in the fields of digital, data, and technology (DDaT).

Our dedication to enhancing IM, paired with the incorporation of the asset life cycle information management (ALCIM) strategy for infrastructure assets and systems, gains strength when grounded in international best practices, such as: ISO 19650 series and ISO 55000 series ).

BimTube's Mission

We want to build everyone’s digital knowledge with content and conversations to inspire and instigate 'Better Information Management' to enable - better decisions, better infrastructure, better services and better outcomes for our social, economic and environmental infrastructure.
Do you find yourself struggling with information management?
The BimTube Podcast is...
''Building Digital knowledge''
...to inspire those who are new to data and information management. We want to show how digital, data and technology (DDaT), enabled by 'better information management' and combined with the application of data science and emergent technologies, can make a real positive impact to society... and our Planet.


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What you're going to find on our podcasts:
Inspiring conversations about how joined-up digital, data and technology (DDaT) are delivering tangible benefits.
Here are some of the Podcasts that are already available, plus some that will be released in the coming weeks via Spotify and on other major podcast platforms via our audio podcast pageYou can also watch the podcasts on YouTube.


If you would like to sponsor an episode or this whole site for a month, please contact us.


The BimTube Podcast - Get in Touch!

If you would like to suggest a guest you would like to hear from, theme or have general feedback please contact us using the button below.

We would also love to hear what you think of our podcast and which guests have been your favourite so far.

Our Shared Understanding:

a circular economy in the built environment

We wholly support the concepts and principals of using data and digital transformation to help transition to a circular economy in the built environment. 

"Digitalisation can help us address the scale and
complexity of interconnected systems. Data
and digital solutions support us in making better
decisions faster. Federated solutions, such as
ecosystems of connected digital twins, can help us
to understand whole systems better and intervene
more effectively.

To achieve this, we must manage data more
consistently and facilitate secure information flows
across organisational and sector boundaries. By
doing so, we will be able to provide the relevant
information about materials, products, assets
and systems in a way that is useful to others.
This kind of ‘data infrastructure’, which promotes
interoperability, is crucial for managing stocks and
flows in the built environment, including existing
buildings and infrastructure. As a result, it is an
essential enabler of a wider circular economy."

'Better Information Management' for our social, economic and environmental infrastructure can help us deliver the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

What are the SDGs? At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.

Featured Episodes

#10 - Malcolm Taylor - Digital Engineering

In this episode of the BimTube Podcast we speak with Malcolm Taylor, Specialist Advisor (Digital) at Crossrail International. He discussed the importance of quality, trustworthy information for decision-making on infrastructure engineering projects. Also, Malcolm reflects on how 'Project Information' becomes 'Asset Information' and the role that Common Data Environments (CDEs), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), 'BIM' and ISO 19650 series play to help manage this critical process.
Malcolm Taylor BEng, MBA, CEng, MICE, MIStructE, CDipA&F is a specialist in digitalisation and the creation, implementation and application of Project Information Management (PIM) on major projects. He is a leading exponent of the UK’s drive for PIM and Building Information Management (BIM) maturity in client organisations.

Recently, as Head of Technical Information at Crossrail for 10 years, Malcolm was responsible for the development of digital and technical information strategies as well as BIM, computer-aided design, document management, GIS, cyber security issues, and asset information management.

#3 - Mark Enzer, OBE FREng - The Impact of Digital Twins

In this BimTube Podcast we speak to Mark Enzer OBE, about the impact of Digital Twins, what these are and how a ‘National Digital Twin’ can help deliver and demostrate better outcomes for built and natural environments.
ABOUT MARK Mark Enzer, OBE FREng Overveiw to Mark: https://www.cdbb.cam.ac.uk/AboutDBB/directory/markenzer

Mark is a keen champion of innovation in the context of collaborative delivery models and he is particularly interested in transformational change in the infrastructure industry (including: digital transformation, Smart Infrastructure, low-carbon sustainable solutions, platform-based delivery and design for manufacture and assembly).

As Mott MacDonald’s Chief Technical Officer, he was accountable to the Executive Board for technical excellence across the Group. He is now a Strategic Advisor at Mott MacDonald. As the Chair of CDBB’s Digital Framework Task Group, Mark was contributing to the leadership of the National Digital Twin Programme.

Mark was the Digital Transformation workstream lead on “Project 13” for the Infrastructure Client Group, which represents the UK’s major infrastructure client organisations and he was the Lead Author of the Infrastructure Carbon Review, published by HM Treasury.

#5 - Melissa Zanocco OBE - Transforming Infrastructure

In this BimTube Podcast we speak to Melissa Zanocco OBE, about the Infrastructure Client Group (ICG); Project 13 and wider issues how transforming the built environment sector to produce better outcomes for people and nature.

About Melissa Zanocco OBE Melissa is Head of Programmes for the Infrastructure Client Group (ICG), as well as one of the instigators of Our Vision for the Built Environment, and is committed to transforming the built environment sector to produce better outcomes for people and nature. She is Co-Chair of both the Project 13 Adopter Community and the Digital Twin Hub Community Council as well as a member of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation's Deep Decarbonisation Initiative, World Economic Forum Digital Twin Cities Project Global Advisory Committee and Construction Leadership Council Task Force. She was part of the UN Women UK delegation to the 66th session of the Commission on the Status of Women 2022.


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BimTube's Mission
We want to build everyone’s digital knowledge with content and conversations to inspire and instigate 'Better Information Management' to enable - better decisions, better infrastructure, better services and better outcomes for our social, economic and environmental infrastructure.

Copyright 2024 - BimTube, All Rights Reserved.

BimTube is an initiative for educational and up-skilling purposes.

Please contact us if you would like to support us.